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Welcome to the ETGG2030 R U Ready for Certification? tool for tourism businesses!

The R U Ready for Certification? tool for tourism businesses has been designed as a Quick Check instrument to help you get a first orientation of the Global Sustainable Tourism Council (GSTC) industry criteria, which are the criteria that most of the sustainable certification schemes comply with and which you will encounter during your “road to certification” journey.

The R U Ready for Certification? tool is a GSTC-compliant self-check tool and includes 43 GSTC industry criteria. The main purpose of the tool is to help you to check your sustainability status while preparing for sustainable certification.

Instructions for use

  1. Click on the “Register” green button  and fill in a simple form to register.
  2. Login thanks to your newly created username and password. After successful login new green tabs will appear next to the “Home” tab.
    Please click on the tab that reads “Assessment & Reporting”.
  3. After clicking on that tab, an R U Ready for Certification? Quick Check function will appear on the middle of the screen, with a linked text: "R U Ready for Certification? Quick Check Report".
  4. After clicking on that link, you can start to perform the Quick Check along 43 GSTC industry criteria divided into four main groups. Respond individually to each criterion, whether “implemented” or “not implemented and interested to know more about”.
  5. After replying to all 43 criteria items, you will see your results with the percentage of successful compliance within each of the four main groups of the GSTC industry criteria, as well as an overall percentage of compliance.
  6. In case you have decided to be accompanied by an ETGG2030 Expert Coach, you can log in with your user credentials at any time to see your results and to check the personalised advice per chosen criterion, provided by the expert.

Copy these instructions in a text editor programme, if you need to consult them again and/or login to the R U Ready for Certification? tool in a new duplicated tab, so that you can follow these instructions simultaneously at your convenenience.

Your account created within the R U Ready for Certification? tool allows you to access the information at any time and to read and apply any expert advice that has been included in connection with any of the 43 GSTC criteria of the Quick Check.



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